Yellow Arenga Brush


Yellow Arenga Brush

Original price was: £26.00.Current price is: £20.00.

Smaller than the tampico brushes, this arenga brush is coarser and is suitable for more heavy duty brushing and cleaning. It is bound with hemp cord and has a cotton strap to hang it up with after use.


Materials: Arenga fibre // Hemp // Cotton
Dimensions: Approx H. 19 cm W. 14cm
Care: Expertly crafted to be used, when they have come to the end of their lifespan you can throw them on the compost heap!

2 in stock

About the artist

Rosa Harradine

Based in Carmarthenshire, West Wales, Rosa Harradine works exclusively with natural, sustainable materials. As well as grounding herself in the creation of both beautiful and functional pieces, sustainability is incredibly important to Rosa with plans afoot to make her own natural dyes for the brushes cord binding.

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