Wandering Fitch Basket

Wandering Fitch Basket


Crafted from Dicky Meadows willow, Lewis Prosser’s Wandering Fitch Basket showcases the intricate and challenging “fitched” technique. This weave, often used in traditional fishing baskets, creates an openwork effect by tightly twisting two willow rods around each other between the uprights. The result is a basket with bands of gaps that allow for quick drainage, making it both functional and visually striking.

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Materials: Willow: Dicky Meadows
Dimensions: Approx D. 35cm H. 70cm
Care: Dust lightly

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About the artist

Lewis Prosser

Lewis Prosser is an absurdist basket-maker based in Penarth, south Wales. He uses basketmaking, performance, and costume design to celebrate ideas of ritual, heritage, and labour in and around the British Isles. His work unites people through shared wonder and craftsmanship, with entertainment and sincerity at its heart.

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